Executive Summary
Over twenty years of professional experience in religious, educational, and community affairs. Skilled in Catholic theology and ministry, ecumenical and interreligious leadership, strategic planning, supervision and management, intercultural competence, teaching, public speaking, writing and research.
Selected Leadership Appointments
Executive Director of Human Dignity and Intercultural Affairs, 2018-Present.
Ecumenical and Interreligious Officer, 2014-Present.
President. National Catholic Association of Diocesan Directors of Hispanic Ministry (NCADDHM). President Term 2020-2022; Board Member Term 2016-2022.
Board Member. Interfaith Partnership of Greater St. Louis. St. Louis, MO. 2014-Present.
Representative Member. St. Louis Mosaic Project Steering Committee. St. Louis, MO. 2015-Present.
Cabinet Representative Member. Interfaith Partnership of Greater St. Louis. St. Louis, MO. 2014-Present.
Member. Steering Committee. Arts & Faith St. Louis. St. Louis, MO. 2014-Present.
Board Member. Board of Directors. Casa de Salud. St. Louis, MO. 2018-Present.
Board Member. Board of Trustees. The White House Jesuit Retreat. St. Louis, MO. 2014-Present.
Board Member. Board of Trustees. The Aquinas Institute of Theology. St. Louis, MO. 2011-2020.
Representative Member. Thought Leaders Forum for Culture. EVOKE, Regional Arts Commission (RAC). St. Louis, MO 2017-2018.
Council Member. University of Missouri St. Louis (UMSL) Hispanic Advisory Council. St. Louis, MO. 2014-2018.
Representative Member. Public Policy Committee of the Missouri Catholic Conference Archdiocese of St. Louis. 2010-2017.
Fellow, Christian Leadership Initiative (CLI) Shalom Hartman Institute and American Jewish Committee (AJC), 2014-2015.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D., Theology), Loyola University Chicago, 2008
Baccalaureate of Sacred Theology (S.T.B., Theology), University of St. Mary of the Lake, 1995
Master of Arts (M.A., Philosophy), The Catholic University of America, 1992
Bachelor of Arts (B.A., Philosophy), The Catholic University of America, 1991
Certification in online teaching and learning, National Catholic Educational Association, 2015
Fellow, Christian Leadership Initiative (CLI) Shalom Hartman Institute and American Jewish Committee (AJC), 2014-2015
Language Studies: Fluent in English and Spanish. General research ability in Latin, Greek, French and Italian.
Professional Experience
Executive Director of Human Dignity and Interreligious Affairs, Archdiocese of St. Louis 2018-Present
Ecumenical and Interreligious Officer, Archdiocese of St. Louis 2014-Present.
Founder and Principal Consultant. Convivencia Church Project. 20019-Present
Hispanic Ministry Leadership Consultant, Aquinas Institute of Theology, 2022-Present
Theological Faculty Consultant. Ascension Theological Collaborative, 2014-Present
Executive Director of Intercultural and Interreligious Affairs, Archdiocese of St. Louis 2014-18
Director of Hispanic Ministry, Archdiocese of St. Louis, 2010-2014
Adjunct Professor, Kenrick-Glennon Seminary, 2015-2019
Adjunct Professor, Aquinas Institute of Theology, 2011-2018
Adjunct Professor, Saint Louis University, 2011-2013
Adjunct Professor, Dominican University, 2008-2010
Associate Director of Religious Diversity, DePaul University, 2006-2010
Assistant Director of Religious Diversity, DePaul University, 2003-2006
Adjunct Professor, Loyola University, 2007-2010
Adjunct Professor, DePaul University, 1998-2007
Local and National Dialogues
Cultivating Talent: A National Summit on Hispanic Educators in Catholic Schools. Boston College, MA 2022.
Dialogue with National Catholic Membership Organizations in the Follow-up and Implementation of the V National Encuentro and Beyond. Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Boston, MA. 2019.
National Symposium on Hispanic Catholicism and Ecclesial Movements. Boston College. Boston, MA 2019.
National Summit on Catholic Schools & Hispanic Families. The Roche Center for Catholic Education. Boston College. Boston, MA. 2016.
Inter-Minority Dialogue Group. St. Louis, MO. 2017- 2020.
St. Louis Minority Scholars of Religion. St. Louis, MO. 2017- Present.
Jewish-Christian Dialogue. Eden Seminary. St. Louis, MO. 2014- 2019.
Jewish-Christian Dialogue-Study. Christian Leadership Initiative (CLI) Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem and American Jewish Committee (AJC), summer 2014, summer 2015.
Muslim-Catholic. Office for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, Archdiocese of Chicago. 2007-2010.
Religious for Christian Unity (Ecumenical). Office for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, Archdiocese of Chicago. 2008-2010.
In Good Faith (Jewish, Christian, and Muslim). Catholic Theological Union, Chicago (CTU). 2008-2010.
Compassionate Listening. Center for Interreligious Engagement, DePaul University, Chicago. 2008-2009.
The Southeast Asian Exchange (Jewish, Christian and Muslim). The Indiana Center for Cultural Exchange, Purdue University, and the Office for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, Archdiocese of Chicago. Spring Program, 2009.
“The Grace of our Mutual Presence in Christ: Encounter, Accompaniment, and Mission. In “This is my body given for you” (Luke22:19). https://www.usccb.org/committees/evangelization-catechesis/catechetical-sunday-2022 The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB Publishing), Washington, DC. September 18, 2022.
“La gracia de nuestra presencia mutua en Cristo: Encuentro, Acompañamiento y Misión.” In “This is my body given for you” (Luke22:19). https://www.usccb.org/committees/evangelization-catechesis/catechetical-sunday-2022 The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB Publishing), Washington, DC. September 18, 2022.
“Dreaming of the Future.” In Moving Boldly Into the Future: Pope Francis, Young Adults, Ministry Leaders, and Bishops in Dialogue, ed. Paul E. Jarzembowski and Mar Munoz –Visoso, 98-100. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB Publishing), Washington, DC. June 2022.
Ecumenism. The V Encuentro Ministry Series. Video. Subcommittee of Hispanic/Latino Affairs. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB Publishing), Washington, DC. July 2022.
The God Minute (Podcast). Catholic TeamWorks. A Catholic ministry of Evangelization and Renewal sponsored by the Congregation of the Mission, Vincentian priests, and brothers. 2021-Present. https://www.thegodminute.org/ [Over 20 reflections].
Faith and Culture. A monthly theological-pastoral reflection column. The Saint Louis Review. The newspaper for the Archdiocese of Saint Louis. 2010- Present [Over 80 columns].
“Testigos del amor de Dios—Sagrada Escritura y Teología.” Spanish article for the newspaper of the Archdiocese of Louisville, The Recorder. https://therecordnewspaper.org/testigos-del-amor-de-dios-sagrada-escritura-y-teologia/(October 31, 2019).
“Nuestro camino ecuménico.” Creemos y Compartimos Blog, Sadlier Religion. October 2016.
Review of Gregory Heille, OP, The Preaching of Pope Francis: Missionary Discipleship and the Ministry of the Word (Liturgical Press: Collegeville, Minnesota, 2015).
Biblical Spiritual Reflections (Liturgically based reflections in Spanish). The Center for Liturgy at St. Louis University, the Sunday Website. http://liturgy.slu.edu/. 2010- 2015.
“The Widows Coins: Reassessing our Christian Identity.” Voices of Hope (Society of Helpers Magazine—Winter/Spring 2010): 3-4.
“Religious Diversity in Campus Life: Where do we start, what do we do? Crossroads” (October/November 2007). A Publication of the Catholic Campus Ministry Association.
“Padre, perdónalos, porque no saben lo que hacen.” Las Últimas Siete Palabras De Cristo, edited by Eduardo Rivera (Franklin Park, IL: World Library Publications, 2006).
“Franciscan Secular Life Today,” TAU-USA, no. 44 (Autumn 2004): 13-14. (Article was published in four parts following the quarterly sequence of TAU-USA no. 44, 45, 46, 47).
“Framing the Question of Evangelization in Ministering to Hispanics in Higher Education,” Gracias 4, no.5 (July/August 2002): 7, 11.
“Obedience: Root of Ecclesial Unity” [Doctoral Dissertation, Loyola University Chicago, 2008].
“James D. Wallace and Edmund L. Pincoffs on the Nature of Virtues: A Comparative Study” [M.A. Thesis. The Catholic University of America, 1992].
Selected Professional Consultations
Hispanic Ministry Leadership Consultant, Aquinas Institute of Theology, 2022-Present
Theological Faculty Consultant. Ascension Theological Collaborative, 2014-Present
Member/Consultant. National Advisory Committee (NAC). Boston College, Lynch School of Education and Human Development. ROCH CENTER FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION. Study: National Study Examining Pathways to Increase the Presence of Hispanic Teachers and Leaders in Catholic Schools (2021-2022). Member/Consultant. Raices y Alas Congress. The 6th National Congress on Hispanic Ministry, Washington, DC. 2021-2022.
Member/Consultant. The V Encuentro Ministry Series. An online formation and professional development to Hispanic ministry leaders of the Catholic Church. Subcommittee of Hispanic/Latino Affairs. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). 2021-2022.
Member/Consultant. The National Eucharistic Revival. Curriculum and Formation. The Secretariat of Evangelization & Catechesis. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). 2021-2024.
Member/Consultant. Journeying Together National Encounter Event 2022. A National Catholic Intercultural Encounter for Ministries for Youth and Young Adults. Sharing and Workshops. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops—USCCB. (2021-2022).
Member/Consultant. External Advisory Group. V Encuentro Immigrant and Migrant Working Group. Migrant and Refugee Services & Affiliates. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). 2019-2021.
Selected Lectures and Presentations
Cultivating Talent: A National Summit on Hispanic Educators in Catholic Schools. Presenter and Faciltator. Hispanic Ministry Round-Table Dialogues. Boston College, MA 2022.
Iglesia en Reconciliación y Sacramentos de Sanación. A one-day Spanish course on the theology and pastoral practice of the sacraments of reconciliation and healing. Office of Ethnic Ministries. Diocese of Reno, Nevada, 2021, 2022.
Theological-Pastoral Perspectives that Highlight Service to Women. Panelist. National Catholic Association of Diocesan Directors for Hispanic Ministry’s Annual Conference: The Feminine Genius, Protagonists of a Church that Goes Forth, Minneapolis, MN. 2022.
Toward Communion: The Role of the Laity Across Cultures and Generations (Webinar). Panelist. The Catholic Apostolate Center and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Secretariat for Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth. May 4, 2022. https://www.catholicapostolatecenter.org/webinars.html/?wtime=%7Bseek_to_second_number%7D%3Fwtime%3Fwtime%3Fwtime%3Fwtime?wtime=%7Bseek_to_second_number%7D
Intercultural Living Day Workshop. Presenter/Facilitator. St. Louis Intercommunity (Group of different religious communities of men and women doing formation together). St. Louis, MO, 2013. 2014. 2015, 2016, 2017. 2018. 2019. 2020. 2021, 2022.
Pastoral Priority: Pastoral Formation. Facilitator. Raices y Alas Congress, Profetic Voices: Ser puentes para una nueva época, Washington, DC. National Catholic Council for Hispanic Ministry, 2022.
A Pastoral-Theological Approximation to the Role and Potential of the Diocesan Director of Hispanic Ministry in a Time of Ecclesial Reconstruction. Keynote Presenter (Plenary Session). The Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologian of the United States (ACHTUS). 2021 Colloquium Conversation (Online). Latinx Practical Theology in a Time of Pandemic: “My God Will Hear Me!” (Micah 7:7). May 2021.
Walking with Our Hispanic Communities in an Intercultural Pastoral Context. Presenter. Multiethnic Symposium. The Rest and the West: What the West can Learn from the Global Sound. Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO. 2021.
Immigration in the Light of Mercy. Presenter. Welcoming the Stranger Among Us Conference. Diocese of Lansing. Lansing, Michigan. 2019.
Señales Project Summit: Day of Reflection and Strategic Planning. Facilitator. Diocese of Des Moines. Des Moines, IA. 2019.
Open Wide our Hearts: An Intercultural Dialogue on the USCCB pastor letter against racism. Facilitator. National Catholic Association of Diocesan Directors for Hispanic Ministry. Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN. 2019.
Welcoming the Stranger to St. Louis: Religious Responses to Recent Immigrants and Refugees. Panelist. John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics. Washington, University in St. Louis. St. Louis, MO. 2019.
More Than Our Assumptions: What Are We Really Asking of One Another. Presenter. Ethical Society of St. Louis. St. Louis, MO. 2019.
Hispanic Ministry in the U.S. Catholic Church. Podcast Seminar. WCAT Radio of En Route Books & Media. The Two Wings of Holy Apostles Faculty. Cromwell, CT 2018
Theological presentations and group facilitation. Ascension Leadership Academy. Faculty Member. Phoenix, Arizona, 2018.
Doctrina Social de la Iglesia. Presenter. A one-day workshop in Spanish on Catholic Social Teaching. Diocese of Jefferson City. St. Louis, MO 2019.
Hispanic Ministry in the U.S. Church. Presenter. Diaconate Program. Two-day workshop. Diocese of Jefferson City. St. Louis, MO 2018.
Who is Coming? Who is Waiting? Presenter. Advent Speaker Series. Rose Philippine Duchesne Parish. Archdiocese of St. Louis, 2017.
The Role of Faith in Immigrant Communities. Facilitator/Presenter. International Institute of St. Louis. St. Louis, MO 2017.
Theological Synthesis on Missionary Disciples: A Call for Solidarity and Action. Presenter. National Catholic Association of Diocesan Directors for Hispanic Ministry. Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD. 2017.
Reconciliation: Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox Directions. Presenter. Inter-Minority Dialogue Conference. St. Louis, MO. 2017
Hispanic Presence in the US Church: Challenges and Opportunities. Presenter. Ascension Parish-Chesterfield. Archdiocese of St. Louis. St. Louis, MO 2017.
The Fire of Leadership: Called to Form Missionary Disciples. Presenter/Facilitator. The Federation of Pastoral Institute’s Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. 2017.
Catholic Theology of Immigration. Presenter. Catholic Teach-In on Migration: Creating a Culture of Encounter. St. John the Baptist Parish, and St. Cletus Parish. Archdiocese of St. Louis of St. Louis. St. Louis, MO 2017.
Facilitating Integration through Collaboration and Unity in St. Louis. Plenary Speaker. Cambio de Colores (Change of Colors) 16th Annual Conference. University of Missouri-St. Louis. St. Louis, MO. 2017.
Ecumenismo, Interculturalidad y Catequesis, Sadlier Webinars. Sadlier 2017.
Solidarity in Context: Who is my Brother? Who is my Sister? Presenter/Facilitator. Ascension’s Executive Ministry Leadership Formation. St. Louis, MO 2017.
Ecumenism, Interculturality and Interreligious Dialogue. Presenter. The National Catholic Association of Diocesan Directors for Hispanic Ministry (NCADDHM) Orientation for New Directors in Hispanic Ministry. Kansas City, KS, 2017.
Immigration and Mercy. Presenter. Diocese of Belleville. Bellville, IL. 2017.
Social Justice in the Catholic Tradition. Presenter. St. Joseph Parish. Manchester, MO. 2017.
Catholic Social Teaching: Rights and Responsibilities and the Dignity of Work. Presenter. Christ the King Parish. St. Louis (University City), MO. 2017.
Guadalupe’s Encounter with Juan Diego: What can it teach us about Racial Justice? Presenter. St. Mary’s High School. St. Louis, MO 2017.
What are Common Topics, Tools, and Pastoral Directions that Facilitate Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue? Presenter. The National Catholic Association of Diocesan Directors for Hispanic Ministry (NCADDHM) National Conference. St. Louis, MO, 2016.
Service: A Transformative Experience (Keynote reflection for the University’s day of service). Presenter. Fontbonne University. St. Louis, MO, 2016.
Theological presentations and group facilitation. Ascension Leadership Academy. Faculty Member. Phoenix, Arizona, 2016. 2018.
Intercultural Living. Presenter/Facilitator. Adorers of the Blood of Christ (ASC). Associate Members and Religious Sisters. Ruma, IL, 2016.
Intercultural Living: Three Basic Conversations. Presenter/Facilitator. Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI) National Leadership. Godfrey, IL, 2016.
Intercultural Living: Three Basic Conversations. Presenter/Facilitator. Dominican Sisters National Leadership. St. Louis, MO, 2016.
Immigration Reform. Presenter St. Louis Jewish Book Festival. Jewish Community Relations Council’s Michael and Barbara Newmark Institute for Human Relations. St. Louis, MO, 2016.
Retreat for the Office of Ethnic Ministries. Facilitator. Diocese of Reno, Nevada, 2016.
10th Annual Lecture in Hispanic/Latino Theology and Missions: “Hispanic Is Not What You Think: Reimagining Hispanic Identity, Implications for an Increasingly Global Church.” Respondent. (Presenter: Dr. Leopoldo Sánchez, Center for Hispanic Studies, Concordia Seminary) St. Louis, MO, 2016.
Catholic-Jewish Dialogue Presentation. Congregation Shaare Emeth. St. Louis, MO, 2015.
Ecumenismo: La Iglesia en diálogo. A Spanish course (9hrs) on the theology and pastoral practice of ecumenism and interreligious dialogue for adult faith leaders. Office of Ethnic Ministries. Diocese of Reno, Nevada, 2015.
Pastoral de Conjunto, Communion in Mission. (Keynote Address). Encuentro Diocesano 2015: Somos la Familia de Cristo. Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. Kansas City, MO, 2015.
Being in Jerusalem in a Time of War. Presenter. Jewish community Relations Council (JCRC). And for the Jewish-Christian Dialogue (Eden/JCRC Dialogue Group) at Eden Seminary. St. Louis, MO, 2014.
The Social Mission of the Church: A Church in Service, Dialogue and Celebration. Presenter. Seven Holy Founders Parish. St. Louis, MO, 2014.
The Gift of Being in Relationship: Conversion, Communion and Solidaity. Presenter. Annual Healing and Hope Novena. The National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows Shrine. Belleville, IL, 2014
Living in the Fire of Convivencia. (Keynote Address and Panelist). National Association of Lay Ministers (NALM). 38thNALM Annual Conference. Catholic Theological Union. Chicago, IL, 2014.
Forming Hispanic Leaders for the New Evangelization. Presenter. National Conference for Catechetical Leadership (NCCL). Saint Louis, MO, 2014.
Reconciliación. A Spanish course (9hrs) on the theology and pastoral practice of “Reconciliation” for adult faith leaders. Office of Ethnic Ministries. Diocese of Reno, Nevada, 2014.
Catholic Social Teaching presentations. Ascension Health Leadership Academy: Spiritual and Theological Foundations for Health Care Ministry Leadership Conference. Faculty Member. Phoenix, Arizona, 2014.
TOWN HALL MEETING, THE IMMIGRATION BILL: HISPANIC COMMUNITY IMPACT. Panelist. Center for Global Citizenship. St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO 2013.
Celebrating a Diverse Community. (Keynote Address). Inaugural University Chapel Series. McKendree University, Lebanon, IL, 2013.
Immigrant Narratives of Human Dignity, Communion and Leadership (Keynote Address). 2013Immigration Conference, Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO. 2013.
CONVERSION, COMMUNION AND SOLIDARITY: Thoughts on Liturgy and Music from a Hispanic Perspective. (Keynote Address). National Pastoral Musician (NPM) St. Louis Chapter. St. Louis, MO, 2013.
Vespers and Carols. (Guest Preacher). Aquinas Institute of Theology. St. Louis, MO, 2012.
CONSTRUYENDO COMUNIÓN EN LA MISIÓN. “Queremos ver a Jesús” (Jn. 12, 21). (Presenter- Process Facilitator). The Diocesan Bilingual Convocation. Office of Ethnic Ministries. Diocese of Reno, Nevada, 2012.
Immigration: A Gospel Perspective. Presenter. Missouri Catholic Conference, Jefferson City, MO, 2012
Hispanic Ministry in the 21st Century. Presenter. Field Education Supervisors Workshop. Aquinas Institute of Theology, Saint Louis, MO. 2012
The Value of Service (Keynote Address). 19th Annual Archbishop May Service Awards. Archdiocese of St. Louis, 2011.
Patoral de Conjunto. A Spanish course (9hrs) on the theology of Hispanic ministry for adult faith leaders. Office of Ethnic Ministries. Diocese of Reno, Nevada, 2011.
Mary and Care of Creation (Keynote Address). IV National Conference, Servite Secular Order, USA. Orlando, FL., 2011.
El Drama de la Palabra en Nuestras Vidas (Keynote Address). Archdiocesan Pillars of Faith program 2011. Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas, 2011.
El Espíritu Santo y el Dialogo Ecuménico e Interrelioso. Presenter. Chicago Catechetical Conference 2010. Archdiocese of Chicago. Chicago, IL, 2010.
The Ethnic Church in Saint Louis (panel discussion). Moderator. Collective Memory in St. Louis: Recollection, Forgetting and the Common Good [Symposium]. Fontbonne University, 2010.
Day of Prayer. Interfaith Initiative. Catholic Presenter City Hall, St. Louis, MO, 2010.
Communion. A Spanish course (9hrs) on the theology of communion for adult faith leaders. Office of Ethnic Ministries. Diocese of Reno, Nevada, 2010.
El Sacrificio y el Amor en Cristo. Presenter. A two-day Lenten parish mission reflection. Annunciata Parish, Archdiocese of Chicago, 2010.
Spirituality and Higher Education. Panelist. Graduate Course, Loyola University Chicago, 2010.
ONE CHICAGO, ONE NATION BUILDING AMERICA TOGETHER. Red Carpet Premier, Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC). Guest Speaker. The Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, 2010.
Annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Observance. Catholic Presenter. Chicago Temple First United Methodist Church, Archdiocese of Chicago, and the Chicago Cultural Center for Cultural Connections, 2009.
Student Leadership and the “4 Ways of Interfaith Dialogue.” Presenter. Leadership for a Religious Diverse World; Interfaith Youth Core 6th Conference on Interfaith Youth Work. Northwestern University, Chicago. 2009.
Vatican II: Now More Than Ever. Panelist. Institute of Pastoral Studies, Loyola University Chicago, 2009.
Mary, Lowly Servant of Creation (Keynote Address). Servite Coalition for Justice, 25th Anniversary Conference. Our Lady of Sorrows Basilica, Chicago, 2009.
The Year of the Priest: Hearing the Word, Sharing the Bread. Presenter. Perboyre Mission House, DePaul University, Chicago, 2009.
Ministries in the Church Today: North-South Dialogue. Panelist. Loyola University Chicago & Concilium International Journal of Theology, 2009.
La Importancia del Dialogo Inter-religioso (Interreligious Dialogue). Presenter. Office of Catechesis, Archdiocese of Chicago, 2009.
Our Increasingly Diverse Community and the Role We Play (Keynote Address) & Presenter. Pennsylvania Catholic Campus Ministry Association (PCCMA), 2009.
Conversion: An Invitation to Rest in the Word of God/ Conversion: Una Invitación al Descanso en la Palabra Divina. Presenter. A Lenten parish mission reflection in English and Spanish, respectively. Annunciata Parish, Archdiocese of Chicago, 2009.
Ministry & Diversity: A Theological Reflection. Presenter. Frank J. Lewis Institute, Notre Dame University. South Bend, Indiana, 2008, 2009.
Who has the Power to Construct Hispanic, Latino/a, and Afro-Latino/a Identities? Panelist. The Cultural Center. DePaul University, Chicago, 2008.
Male Empowerment and Success. (Keynote Address). Man of Color Initiative. DePaul University, Chicago, 2008.
Our Secular Vocation: More than a Matter of Social and Ecclesial Location. Presenter. St. Mary Source of Our Joy, Secular Order Servants of Mary. Chicago, Illinois, 2008.
Catholic Campaign for Immigration Reform Retreat. Facilitator. Office for Peace and Justice. Archdiocese of Chicago, 2007.
Catholic Campaign for Immigration Reform. Writer. Spanish psalm prayer entitled, Salmo del Inmigrante; and a bilingual reflection on the spirituality of “Posadas.” Office for Peace and Justice. Archdiocese of Chicago, 2007.
Radio Islam. Guest Speaker. Pastoral Care Week. Chicago, 2007.
Francis, Divine Providence and our Secular Life. Presenter. SFO-National Quinquennial; Pittsburg, 2005.
Radical Witness: Life in Christ. (Keynote Address). Archdiocesan Religious Conference. DePaul University, Chicago, 2003.
Franciscan Secular Life. Presenter. Mother Cabrini Region, Chicago, 2003.
Going Home, Coming Home: Hispanic Spirituality. DePaul University, Chicago, 1998.
President. Episcopal Region IX. National Catholic Association of Diocesan Directors for Hispanic Ministry (NCADDHM). 2016-Present.
President. National Catholic Association of Diocesan Directors for Hispanic Ministry (NCADDHM). 2020-2022.
Appointed Representative Member. St. Louis Mosaic Project Steering Committee. St. Louis, MO. 2015-Present.
Member. Hispanic Leadership Council. College of Arts and Sciences. University of Missouri St. Louis (UMSL). St. Louis, MO. 2014-Present.
Board Member. Franciscan Connection. St. Louis, MO. 2019-Present.
Board Member. Board of Trustees. The Aquinas Institute of Theology. St. Louis, MO. 2011-2020.
Cabinet Representative. Interfaith Partnership of Greater St. Louis. St. Louis, MO. 2014-Present.
Board Member. Board of Directors. Casa de Salud. St. Louis, MO. 2018-Present.
Board Member. Interfaith Partnership of Greater St. Louis. St. Louis, MO. 2014-Present.
Board Member. Board of Trustees. The White House Jesuit Retreat. St. Louis, MO. 2014-2019.
Member. Thought Leaders Forum for Culture. EVOKE, Regional Arts Commission (RAC). St. Louis, MO 2017-2018.
Steering Committee Member. Arts & Faith St. Louis. St. Louis MO. 2014-Present.
Member. Advocacy Council. Catholic Charities. Archdiocese of St. Louis. 2011-2016.
Appointed Member. Archdiocesan Commission for the Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs. Archdiocese of St. Louis. 2011-2014. Ex-Officio Member 2014-Present.
Appointed Representative. Missouri Catholic Conference: Public Policy Committee. Archdiocese of St. Louis. 2010-2017.
Advisor/Consultant. Provincial Committee on Vocations, Friar Servants of Mary, USA Province (Order of Friar Servants of Mary). 2009-2010.
Faculty Advisor/Reader. M.A. Integration Project/Paper: A Parish-based Spirituality. Institute of Pastoral Studies, Loyola University Chicago. Graduate Student, Lorna Miressi. 2008-09.
Vice Minister. Mother Cabrini Region of Secular Franciscan Order. 2006-2009.
Treasurer. National Executive Board. The Catholic Campus Ministry Association (CCMA). 2007-2012.
Representative. Great Lakes Region. The Catholic Campus Ministry Association (CCMA). 2009- 2012.
Representative. Regional Executive Council. Mother Cabrini Region of Secular Franciscan Order. 2004-2009.
Local Minister. The Brother Jacoba Community. Local community of the Secular Franciscan Order. 2005-2009.
Chair Person. The Subcommittee on Religious Diversity. President’s Diversity Council, DePaul University. 2007-2009.
Chair Person. Perboyre Mission House Advisory Board. Midwest Province of the Congregation of the Mission. 2007-2009.
Advisor/Consultant. Pastoral Juvenil Hispana (Young Adult Hispanic Ministry). Office for Hispanics; Archdiocese of Chicago. 2000-2010.
Representative. National Central Accreditation, Committee on Mission of University. DePaul University. 2005-2007.
Representative. Staff Council. DePaul University. 2004-2007.
Advisor/Consultant. Amate House Formation Board. Archdiocese of Chicago. 1998-2007.
Advisor/Consultant. Instituto Hispano, Advisory Board. Loyola University, Chicago.1999-2004.
The Norman A. Stack Community Relations Award. Jewish Community Relations Council of St. Louis. St. Louis, MO. 2017
The Who’s Who Diversity in Color. St. Louis, MO. 2017
Five Years of Dedicated Service Recognition. Archdiocese of St. Louis. 2015.
Fellow, Christian Leadership Initiative (CLI) Shalom Hartman Institute and American Jewish Committee (AJC). 2014-2015.
The Archdiocesan Christifideles Award. Holy Name Cathedral. The Archdiocese of Chicago. 2009
The Exemplary Service Recognition Award. The President’s Diversity Council. DePaul University, Chicago. 2009
The Dissertation of the Year Award in the Humanities. The Graduate School, Loyola University Chicago. 2008
Recognition Certificate for Outstanding Dedication to the Class of 2007. Faculty & Staff Student Affairs Division, DePaul University, Chicago.
The Division Achievement Award. The Division of Student Affairs, DePaul University, Chicago. 2005.
The Graduate Tuition Fellowship/Scholarship Award. The Graduate School, Loyola University Chicago. 1998-2001.
The Basselin Scholarship Award. The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. 1992-1995.Fellowship Award. The Fund for Theological Education (FTE). The Hispanic Summer
The Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States (ACHTUS). 2008-present.
The Catholic Association of Diocesan Ecumenical and Interreligious Officers (CADEO) 2014-Present.
The National Catholic Association of Diocesan Directors for Hispanic Ministry (NCADDHM), 2010-Present.
The National Association for Lay Ministry (NALM), 2011-2015.
The Catholic Campus Ministry Association (CCMA). 2001-2017 (Professional Certification, 2010).
The National Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order- USA. Professed in the Mother Cabrini Region, 2001.